Administration Observes Overdose Awareness Week

President Biden reports, “The number of overdose deaths has started to decline.“

The White House issued President Joe Biden’s proclamation for Overdose Awareness Week, August 25 through 31.

“We mourn those who have lost their lives to overdose deaths.  We acknowledge the devastating toll the opioid epidemic has taken on individuals, families, and communities across America,“ the president stated. “We reaffirm our commitment to doing more to disrupt the supply of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids and support those who suffer with substance use disorder and their families in all of our communities.“

“For the first time in 5 years, the number of overdose deaths in the United States has started to decline. But even one death is one too many, and far too many Americans continue to lose loved ones to fentanyl,“ President Biden continued. “I grieve with all the families and friends who have lost someone to an overdose. This is a time to act. And this is a time to stand together — for all those we have lost and all the lives we can still save.“

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the friends and families who have lost loved ones to drug overdose.
  • For those struggling with substance use, or tempted to try illicit drugs, to reach out for help.
  • For the president, vice president, and U.S. officials as they address the opioid crisis.

Sources: The White House


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